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Characteristics and advantages of lithium base grease for automobile hub bearing

DATA:2013-10-22 16:13:12 HITS:

The wheel bearing is replacing the grease level two age. Two level maintenance cycle is mainly decided by the quality of the brake mechanism, but the quality of lubricating grease is a factor to be considered.
The use of calcium sodium grease, two level maintenance required period of Jiefang Truck is 5000 - 7000 kilometers. But the vehicle condition is good, with the use of good quality grease, appropriate to extend the wheel bearing maintenance cycle is possible, for example, the people's Liberation Army and the traffic system of some car 6L using lithium base grease, has the maintenance period to 12000 or 18000 kilometers.
Another example is the Beijing BK760 articulated bus using the theory of grease, maintenance period extended from 6000 km to 24000 km, BJl30 car is extended from 6000 km to 30000 km. In this way, the consumption of lubricating grease is reduced by 1/2 or more than 2/3

PREV:Bearing never wear, likely!

